May 8, 2010

RCRA, SWPPP, Hazcom, SPCC Training

Many of the regulatory programs that affect our clients include some requirements for employee training. In order to maintain compliance, improve performance and reduce liabilities and costs, many of our clients may also conduct employee training that may not be required by specific regulations

RCRA Training & Universal Waste Handling Training
Some facilities are required to provide routine training to employees regarding hazard waste management. Facilities that generate only “universal wastes”, such as spend light bulbs, batteries, etc, need to document that employees have been trained on the proper handling of wastes. Caltha will develop RCRA training materials specific to your facility for you to present, or can provide an experienced RCRA trainer to present waste handling training to your employees.

Hazard Communication Training, HazCom Training
OSHA’s Hazard Communication standard includes a strong training component. Caltha prepares HazCom Training Programs for your trainers to present, or we can supply one of our expert trainers.

EMS Awareness and ISO 14001 Training
One of the key compliance elements is development of an Employee Training Program. Based on an individual employees job responsibilities, different level of training may be required, included training certification. Caltha provides stormwater training in a number of flexible formats, including “train the trainer” to maximize your training investment.

Stormwater and SWPPP Training
Caltha has provided SWPPP training to meet State stormwater permit requirements in over 40 different States. Stormwater training has included Employee SWPPP Awareness Training, Inspector Training, Stormwater Monitoring Training, and Overall Permit Compliance Training modules.

SPCC Training & 40 CFR 112 Compliance Training
Facilities that exceed the SPCC rule oil storage threshold of 1,320 gallons need to prepare a Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan and comply with the US EPA SPCC Rule. Caltha prepares SPCC Plans, including the new SPCC Template Plan used by smaller facilities, and assists facilities in developing their SPCC rule compliance program, including SPCC inspections and SPCC training.

Environmental Training & EHS Compliance Training
Caltha has several training programs designed to provide an overview of environmental and EHS regulations that affect a typical facility. Training modules have including RCRA, EPCRA, CERCLA, above ground and underground tanks, wastewater, air emissions, hazard communication, hazardous material management, environmental management systems, compliance audits, and numerous State rules. A training program can be customized to meet our client’s special requirements

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Michigan to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at



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