October 11, 2009

SWPPP Compliance in Michigan

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Stormwater Permit Compliance
SWPPP Plan Template Stormwater Training

Caltha LLP provides technical support to facilities nationwide to comply with US EPA and State stormwater discharge permit requirements. Caltha specializes in industrial site permitting and compliance. We have experience with:

Sector A - Timber Products
Sector B - Paper and Allied Products Manufacturing
Sector C - Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturing
Sector D - Asphalt Paving and Roofing Materials and Lubricant Manufacturing
Sector E - Glass, Clay, Cement, Concrete, and Gypsum Products
Sector F - Primary Metals
Sector G - Metal Mining
Sector I - Oil and Gas Extraction and Refining
Sector J - Mineral Mining
Sector K - Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facilities
Sector L - Landfills, Land Application Sites, and Open Dumps
Sector M - Automobile Salvage Yards
Sector N - Scrap Recycling and Waste Recycling Facilities
Sector O - Steam Electric Generating Facilities
Sector P - Land Transportation and Warehousing
Sector Q - Water Transportation
Sector R - Ship and Boat Building and Repair Yards
Sector S - Air Transportation Facilities
Sector T - Treatment Works
Sector U - Food and Kindred Product
Sector V - Textile Mills, Apparel, and Other Fabric Products
Sector W - Furniture and Fixtures
Sector X - Printing and Publishing
Sector Y - Rubber, Miscellaneous Plastic Products, and Miscellaneous Manufacturing Industries
Sector AA - Fabricated Metal Products
Sector AB - Transportation Equipment, Industrial and Commercial Machinery
Sector AC - Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Components

Caltha LLP maintains a library of SWPPP Templates developed to meet the requirements of individual States. Separate stormwater plan templates are provided to Industrial, Municipal (MS4) and Construction stormwater dischargers. Using a SWPPP Template, the level of effort required to complete a stormwater pollution prevention plan meeting State permit requirements is significantly reduced. The quality, ease-of-use, and effectiveness of the plan are also enhanced.

Caltha LLP also provides Stormwater Training courses developed to meet the requirements of individual States. Separate stormwater training programs are provided to meeting the needs of Industrial, Municipal (MS4) and Construction stormwater dischargers.
Training is offered in a number of flexible formats, ranging from traditional classroom training presented periodically in different locations, to facility-level training conducted at individual sites to meet employee and/or contractor training needs. Caltha offers web-based and remote training options. Caltha also creates facility-specific training materials and conducts “train-the-trainer” sessions for facility training staff.

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Michigan to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

For further information contact Caltha LLP at
Caltha LLP Website