September 29, 2010

Allegan County Redesignated As Attainment For Ozone

US EPA Region 5 has granted final approval of a request from the state of Michigan to redesignate Allegan County to attainment of the 1997 national health-based eight-hour outdoor standard for ozone (smog). The action was published in the Federal Register on Friday, Sept. 24, and was effective upon publication. The entire state of Michigan now meets the 1997 federal health-based standard for ozone.

EPA approval was based on three years of complete, quality-assured, outdoor air monitoring data for 2007, 2008 and 2009 that show that the area meets the standard. Preliminary 2010 data show that the area continues to meet the standard.

EPA also approved Michigan's plan to continue to meet the eight-hour health-based ozone standard in the area through 2021. This plan will provide for corrective actions should the area violate the ozone standard after the area is redesignated to attainment

Caltha LLP provides expert environmental consultant services in Michigan to obtain environmental permits, evaluate regulatory requirements, and to develop cost effective compliance programs.

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